Wednesday, June 23, 2010

From Rose Hill

I am right now in Oxford, city of Strength and Truth, with a nice and hospitable family. Tomorrow I shall go exploring and picture-taking, and end up with a nice family in a town adjoining Oxford. Today was a bit stressful...although I woke up really late, I still am a bit tired. I spent some time at a town called Lechlade, writing in my journal, wandering in a massive antiques arcade, and watching ENGLAND WIN. I don't usually enjoy sports at all, but there is something exhilarating about getting behind an entire country and watching them triumph. It was a great game to watch, as well. Exploring a beautiful little out-of-the-way church made me late for my bus to Swindon, and I hitch-hiked instead, which turned out really well. A nice guy picked me up and drove out of his way to take me to my destination. On the way there, ironically, we talked about how tragic it was that people didn't seem to trust one another enough to hitch-hike anymore.
While I waited for the bus to take me to Oxford with an affable Philippine girl, there was a group of drunken homeless men with two pitbulls. One of them sat next to me and took my pipe and drew on it! Believe me, that stem is soaking in bleach before I'll have it again!
A few of them were on the road to Oxford, and as the Philippine girl was afraid of drunk men & dogs, she sat looking terrified in the front (next to them) until I came and got her. Their conversations were horrific to the point of comedy. On the way out, the bus driver said, "you can't buy entertainment like that." Then, he chuckled to himself and said, "Fortunately..."

Staying in a tent again tonight. This time though, with an air mattress and blankets. Fortunately.



  1. Nice blog...nice posts.
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  2. Ross, please your Mother and Aunt do not want to read post about you hitch-hiking! Try to catch the bus next time!

    -aunt jeannine
